A Wellness Wish from Alee
First of all, we hope everyone is well and finding some sense of peace during this chaotic time on planet earth. My prayer for humanity is that this epidemic wakes us up like never before- both on an internal level, but also on a macro-level. This is our time to reclaim our personal power so that we no longer live in a world of codependency and instead awaken to what it truly means to be a part of a tribe.
The word tribe means a group of people with a common interest. All of us come from tribal roots, so it is innate within us to operate in this way; however, based on the conditioning of society, we are losing the true meaning of this word and it’s heartbreaking.
Within any tribe, each person has their unique role, their specific service to offer to the rest of the group. When everyone is doing their job (and doing it well), the entire tribe experiences homeostasis, complete balance- they are out of survival mode and into thriving mode. However, because we are no longer living off the land, are completely disconnected to the natural world, each other, and ourselves, we lack clarity in understanding our role in our tribes… Let us remember that we are ALL an insanely important part of so many tribes: our families, our various groups of friends, our work, our communities, and even the vast tribe of humanity. When ONE person isn’t offering their specific and unique purpose, the whole tribe suffers. I share this not to bring more stress into your life and you strive to find purpose. It doesn’t work like that.
Do you honestly think the elders of any tribe played the exact same role their entire lives? No, at some point they were 5 years old, at some point they were parents, at some point they did manual labor and eventually, they become the elders. This life is not linear or permanent. I’m speaking here of surrendering to the mighty flow (even during a pandemic like the one we’re currently LIVING). Therefore, we do whatever it takes to understand how our bodies work so they can perform at optimal function, we understand our values, we understand what lights us up and what causes us immense stress and fear. We do what we need to do to take care of ourselves so we can take care of the tribe.
As the studio owner of the RFY tribe, I want to first send love to anyone and everyone with weakened immune systems- we are all sending extra doses of peace and compassion your way during these trying times. To those with extreme stress, fear, and anxiety, please know that you are held- no matter what, you have a community to call upon- we send you the purest love and energetic hugs, may you feel completely nurtured during this time.
We are doing everything possible to take proper precautions until we evolve from this crisis. So, please know we are cleaning non-stop behind the scenes and are requesting you all please refrain form using the studio props and towels until further notice.
We will still hold classes at RFY until we notify you otherwise. And if you are coming to class, please only do so if you are feeling 100% and if you need a towel or props, please bring your own. We will also not be offering use of our mats starting on Saturday. If you come to class, YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN MAT! Of course we clean all the mats and props like crazy on a regular basis, but we are not taking ANY chances and pray you all understand this in your hearts.
We will keep you posted if events, workshops, and classes are cancelled as it unfolds. The best place to stay tuned is social media. I have made a few videos on our IGTV recently to keep you as healthy as possible and will continue to offer guidance and service however I can. So, check out the videos and leave a comment with your request for content information. And don’t forget, we have online classes and meditations for FREE on our website.
Love You All Deeply,