Ashley Evans (Instructor)
I was first introduced to yoga about 10 years ago. My oldest son was 6 months old, and I was trying to figure out life in my body. I had no idea what to expect, but as the instructor guided the class through a flow, I felt so at home in my body, and I was hooked. Over the next few years, my family had the experience of traveling to the Middle East and living in Yerevan, Armenia; where I taught English in exchange for learning Armenian and Farsi. While my time there was short, the experience was spiritually transformational and a catalyst for finding my path. Upon returning to the U.S., I continued to practice yoga sporadically but not consistently until 2019, when I was experiencing some health issues due to stress. My doctors told me I needed to “chill” and practice yoga more often. So, I did. Every class I could find. I began to seek out ways to get my certification while managing a house of 3 littles. I started with YogaFit, and upon receiving my Level 1 certification in 2020, I began teaching classes at a local gym for two years. I completed my 200 RYT training in April of 2022 through YogaRenew. When I am practicing and instructing, I feel most at home and feel my most authentic self. My favorite thing is watching “the lights come on” when others make a connection in yoga, and the realization of “this was so much better than I expected” hits them.
I am a mama to 3 wild boys and married to one wild guy. We love to hike and ride our bikes and dance parties in our living room are our favorite. When I’m not in a yoga class, you can find me with a cup of coffee in hand and hopefully a good book, but probably battling loads of laundry. I have a B.A. in Sociology, and although I don’t work in that field, I very much enjoy people; watching and figuring out what makes individuals tick and how we all flow together in this world.