Teacher Feature: Charlotte Gallagher
Yoga is a lifelong PRACTICE. It's about self-care and empowerment - that YOU have the power, the choice, and the strength to transform your life in a whole new and healthy way. Yoga is our connection to the truth.
My Yoga Love Story
I grew up with anxiety issues and was prescribed medicine off and on. Yoga, mindful breathing techniques, and practicing positive self-talk and gratitude changed my life. Now the moment my bare feet touch my mat, I know everything is going to be all right.
Every time I come to my mat, it's a healthy time-out from the sometimes craziness of life. I can clear my mind, hit the reset button, and create a more positive relationship with myself, leading to a full and wholesome life off the mat. Plus, it feels so freakin good!
My Sources for Inspiration
Two of my favorite yoga teachers are Rolf Gates and Sadie Nardini. I draw a lot of my inspiration and mental food for thought from Gates book Meditations from the Mat. Nardini is my role model for the Vinyasa style I teach in my classes. She has tons of videos and workshops to watch via Facebook, Powhow.com, and YouTube.
My Yoga Challenge
One struggle is my tight hamstrings and quads. "Tight" being subjective of course. I am athlete and used to run all the time, so I don't have the ideal "yoga flexibility" to go "all the way" in some postures. I'll catch myself getting angry that I've reached my edge, but want so badly to go farther. But it's okay to be uncomfortable sometimes. It's not the end of the world. That's where taking deep breaths helps me let go and be in the moment. There's probably some stored emotions held in there, which I need to patiently work through. It's not easy, but that's why it's called a practice!
After teaching for over four years, I am still learning new lessons from other teachers and my students. This inspires me to dive deeper into not just the physical benefits of yoga but the mental as well. I share my discoveries about yoga's many benefits with my students to hopefully create a ripple effect to others who need yoga in their life.
My Life Beyond Yoga
I enjoy riding my bike on the Riverwalk, paddleboard yoga, and doing Parkour/ninja training at Level Up Parkour here in Columbus. I love the latter, because it involves using your own body weight, jumping over boxes, and swinging on bars like you're a kid again! It brings me back to my roots and boosts my self-confidence.