Be the Light
One of my favorite feelings is to walk outside at night and look up. My breath is taken away as my heart melts. I am in complete and utter awe of the speckled stars decorating the vast darkness. In an instant, I’m reminded that things are ok, but it’s up to me to welcome an illuminated path.
This year began with a rocky start. Tragedy seems to have consumed the world, along with hardships we've experienced with family and friends. It is easy to get caught up in the darkness and live in a place of fear, worry, and heartbreak. The darkness and the pain is incredibly hard to stomach and often times we wonder, "Why me? Why us? Why now? WHY?!?"
Well, dear yogis, the infamous answer is the same one we so often heard growing up (this time coming directly from the Universe):
"Because I said so.”
My parents said this countless times, as well as "do this" and "don’t do that." Throughout my angsty teen years, I thought they were torturing me on purpose. However, they possessed greater foresight and usually had my best interest at heart
The Universe, God, Higher Power, Spirit, or whatever you prefer to use or not use simply expects you to trust in it, like you would your parents who can see the bigger picture a bit easier and just want the best for you.
“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”
It is hard to understand why the Universe delivers tragedy, inequality, and the taking of lives that are too short-lived. However, the human souls walking on this planet right here and right now have an important job: trust that world is inherently good and BE THE LIGHT within the darkness. It is actually much easier to get angry, curse, and shout, but what if instead we used that energy to show the world how brightly our inner light can shine?!?
One of the hardest lessons in yoga is to LET GO, but my oh my - it is one of the MOST IMPORTANT lessons of all! If we can let go of our fear of the darkness and awaken to the light, then we will always be within reach of peace and freedom.
Five Ways to Brighten Your Life
- Discover the Light Within. Stop searching outside yourself, because true light can only be revealed when we do inner work. Practice patience, let go of external control, and begin to trust your intuition.
- Meditate Daily. Even if it is just two minutes a day; simply sit and focus on your breathe. This can help clear the cobwebs of the mind to make space for positive seeds of vibrancy to be planted.
- Maintain a Consistent Yoga Practice. The entire purpose of the asana (postures) is to open the body, mind, and heart. The asana coupled with breath will help open you to learning, receiving, growth and love.
- Perform One Small Act of Kindness Every Day. This will change your world and will show those living in darkness how incredibly simple and bright life can be!
- Fill Your Cup. Whether it's yoga, journaling, sipping tea, getting a foot massage, or taking a walk: do more of what makes you happy. The results will BLOW YOUR MIND!
Without the dark sky, it is difficult to gaze at the glory of the stars above. The darkness we experience can help us shine for all to see. Savor each moment. It’s a gift from the Universe, so surrender, let go, and remember to breathe.
Alee Link