At the core of all of us is the innate desire to live a life where we feel happy and free. In this workshop, Alee Link will take us on a journey of understanding the yogic principles of the Kleshas in order to understand what causes pain and suffering in our lives. The kleshas reveal the blocks that the human species experiences which ultimately hold us back from a life that feels aligned, sacred, happy, and free.
Through Alee’s unique style of teaching, we will not only have an in depth discussion on how to unblock, but we will also use incredibly healing techniques that have stood the test of time to truly unblock, unleash, and unlock any stickiness in the mind, body, and spirit in order to physically, mentally, and energetically feel the sensation of liberation.This wisdom coupled with these healing techniques hold the potential for unbelievable transformation. So if you feel like you’re at a point in your life where you’re genuinely ready to evolve, this is the perfect workshop to catapult you into your next chapter! On the other side of this work is literal magnetism for the life of your soul’s dreams!
After the workshop, Alee will send you home with homework for how to incorporate this into your daily life in a really easy and effective way so you not only receive the information but are able to integrate it into your everyday life because THAT is where the real shift happens!
November 5th