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Finding Stillness

  • River Flow Yoga and Wellness 1801 1st Ave Columbus United States (map)

Be still and know.

In this workshop, we will practice some "tools for the mind" and sit with whatever we need to sit with. Not every meditation is going to be perfect. Sometimes it leads to more peace, calm, clarity, etc., but sometimes we come out of it feeling the same as when we began. That doesn't mean we failed at it. I will not promise that you will feel a certain way during or after meditation. I will say that it usually creates some sort of energy shift, but we won't know until we try. The trick is to willingly observe our inner experience with an open mind, an open heart and a curious eye. A big part of the practice is letting go of control and to do our best to let our emotions and feelings pass through us no matter what they are. To feel whatever we need to feel with love, compassion and little to no expectation and see what happens.

We will dive into:

-Basic breath awareness

-Loving kindness meditation 




-Body scanning

-The power of the pause

-Our relationship to thoughts

-Letting go of expectations and perfectionism

The intent is to "try on" different ways to meditate in order to discover how we respond to each one. We will discuss the importance of "finding your seat", how to watch thoughts come and go with less judgment, and how to apply meditation in real time off the mat.

Earlier Event: September 20
Later Event: November 17
Pelvic Floor Connection